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Our Staff

DSECC Staff ...
Warblers :Lead teacher; Kanha & Assistant teachers; Katrina & Lynne
Chickadees : Lead teacher; Kayla & Assistant teachers; Tim &Pam 
Bluebirds: Lead teacher; Abbi, Assistant teacher; Savannah 
Robins : Lead teachers; Sandra & Tricia
Hummingbirds: Lead Teacher; Emily Assistant teacher: Sara
Cardinals: Lead teacher; Cathy Assistant teacher; Dolly
Puffins: Lead teacher; Nicole  Assistant teacher; Andrea 
Orioles: Lead teacher; Andrea 
Floaters: Destiny, Estu, & Amy & Destiny & Rachel
Owls: Lead teacher; Julie
Support Staff: Angie, Jennifer, Amy Shirk & Sarah 
Directors: Bethany, Kelly & Amanda

​Bethany Crane Jacke joined Diamond Street Early Childhood Center in June of 2020. She has 21 years of experience with childcare. Bethany, her husband and two teenagers attend Ridgeview Mennonite Church. Bethany holds a MS in Nonprofit Management and is working to complete a MS in Early Childhood studies.


Kelly has been with Diamond Street since 2004. She has an AA in ECE from Reading Area Community College.  


Amanda joined Diamond Street in 2021 with a BA in ECE and 16 years of experience in childcare. She is excited to help Diamond Street grow and increase it's ability to serve more children and the community.


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